Blood tests are the laboratory tests that will be most frequently recommended by doctors to their patients in order to diagnose any particular ailment or assess the patient’s general health. When undergoing any kind of surgical operation, a patient should get their blood checked at the very least. This is due to the fact that blood tests could provide surgeons with the information necessary to rule out the existence of any serious blood problem that might compromise the operation and its results. Additionally, it assists in the localization of any infection and inflammation that may be present in the body.
Different kinds of blood tests
Although doctors may recommend a variety of blood tests, the following are some of the most common ones:
- CBC stands for “complete blood count.”
- Glycated haemoglobin, also known as HbA1c
- Test of One’s Lipid Profile
- A Profile of the Thyroid
- Blood Urea Nitrogen, often known as BUN
- Creatinine Serum
The symptoms shown by the patient could serve as the basis for the doctor’s recommendation of a test such as Flebo’s blood group test.
What you must do before a blood group test
For so many different lab tests, the only thing you will be asked to do is respond to questions posed by either your healthcare physician or a lab worker. On the other hand, for some of the questions, you will likely need to complete some additional preparation even before the test.
Fasting is among the most typical preparations for clinical laboratory tests. In order to properly fast for an exam, you must not consume anything other than water for a period of time that ranges from several hours to the entire night before the exam. Since the minerals and components of food are absorbed into the bloodstream, this practice is carried out. This may cause certain blood test findings to be inaccurate. There is no set time limit for how long one must fast. If you find that you do need to fast, it is imperative that you consult your physician regarding the appropriate length of time for the fast.
Don’ts’ before a blood group test
- Keeping away from certain foods and beverages, such as cooked meats, herbal tea, and alcoholic beverages
- Take care the day before an exam not to overindulge in food.
- Not smoking
- Keeping away from certain activities, such as severe exercise or sexual activity, can help.
Avoid taking particular prescription drugs and/or dietary supplements. Make sure that you discuss everything that you are currently taking with your healthcare provider. This includes any over-the-counter medications, vitamins, or supplements.
What to do after the results of the blood group test:
Once the hour has passed, the bandage could be removed. After you have a shower or bath, you can make the bandage easier to remove by just letting it loosen up. If the region bleeds again at a later time, provide light pressure to the wound until the bleeding stops, and afterwards, apply a fresh bandage.
Bruising at the location of the blood taken is extremely rare but possible. Do not be concerned even if this occurs. Ice should be applied to the area, and then the problem should be left alone for a few days.
When should you anticipate receiving the findings of your blood group test:
You will be notified through text message or email as soon as the blood test results are ready, and the majority of the results of the blood tests will be open and prepared before the day is over.