

Disadvantages of Vermicomposting 

Worms may be small in size, but they play a massive role in your garden. With the help of vermicomposting, your kitchen scraps can be converted into soil-enriching manure. The process involves the placement of worms in a bin filled with bedding. The bedding material can be newspaper or decayed...

Disadvantages of Vermicomposting 

Worms may be small in size, but they play a massive role in your garden. With the help of vermicomposting, your kitchen scraps can be converted into soil-enriching manure. The process involves the placement of worms in a bin filled with bedding. The bedding material can be newspaper or decayed...

How to Use Coffee Grounds as a Natural Fertilizer

Are you looking for a natural way to fertilize your plants? coffee grounds may just be the solution you're looking for! Not only do coffee grounds contain nitrogen and potassium, which are essential for plants, but they also emit an earthy, pleasant smell that gardeners love. In this blog post,...

5 Hands-on Ways Environmental Volunteering Can Save the Planet

Does your heart hurt to witness the ruthless degradation of our environment? Do you want to help save the environment but don’t know how to? Environmental volunteering might just be what you are looking for. People passionate about protecting the environment can take up environmental volunteer work in many ways...

5 Uses of Natural Gas

"There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil, coal, and natural gas to wind, solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources," said Bill McKibben, an American environmentalist, author, and journalist who has written extensively on...

RoHS – What is it and What’s Its Importance?

It has been a debate for over three decades whether global warming has any correlation with industrialisation. After years of discussions and deliberations, the EU decided to implement environmental laws restricting the usage of harmful substances in the environment. The major objective of this move was to reduce pollution of...

Adolfo Salume Joins The Fight Against Climate Change

Climate change is a global problem, but even more so for the countries of Latin and South America, where economic conditions coupled with extreme weather put millions of people in danger. According to a recent report of the World Meteorological Organization, climate change is threatening the entire region, from “the...

Environmental Conservation: A lost cause?

Human beings are the most careless  on the planet earth who knowingly ruined biodiversity by extracting every possible natural resource. This excessive approach to mine, carve and chop everything provided by the nature has brought the earth to a pitiful condition. While we are cooped up in our homes, ignorantly...
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