
Regenerative Agriculture: King Charles Aligns with Horus Impact’s Farming Solution for the Future

British Monarch King Charles has called for adequate attention to the soil, affirming growing belief among food production and sustainability experts that regenerative agriculture is the solution for the future.

Regenerative agriculture refers to holistic farming practices that are viable and beneficial to plants, livestock and the environment alike, which Horus Impact has spearheaded in its drive for sustainable and safe food production in Africa.

The then-prince made the rallying call while speaking at the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science held recently, where he described soil as an asset that was all too easily “overlooked, degraded and polluted.”

The monarch stated that with the help of healthy soil, it would be possible to feed growing populations, provide better management for water and floods, and help stem the effects of climate change.

He went on to add that given our systematic and persistent degradation of soil and our general environment as a result of industrialised agriculture, the move to properly manage and attend to our soil was now more critical than ever, as our continued existence within our organic cycle was reliant upon it.

King Charles’ comments are consistent with Horus Impact’s outlook on the future for farming, as the organization focuses on working with soil as a partner, committing to the highest possible yield with minimal chemical input from farmers and agricultural projects in Africa. 

Speaking during an insightful conversation with industry experts at the Indiana Global Economic Summit on global food security and innovation earlier this year, Horus Impact’s co-founder and CEO, Jean-Luc Tete, said his company was focused on putting their teams in situations that facilitate green-centric innovation at pace.

The teams combine aged wisdom from native farmers and innovative technology to enable growth and dynamism in all areas, including biodiversity expansion, water cycle improvement, increased organic matter in soil structure, and carbon transfer from the atmosphere to the soil.

This practice is a welcome development in Africa, which still remains majorly under-farmed, leading to food shortage, importation, wastage (as a result of a lack of food processing structures), and extortionate prices. Innovation on the continent is rapid and exciting, and can lead to development on all sides, including a self-sufficient and profitable Africa.

Tete reaffirmed that Horus Impact’s goal is to create systems that mitigate against environmental losses, feed Africans, and leverage fair-trade import and export options that are favourable to the farmers. 

As more individuals and organisations around the aligns with the vision on regenerative agriculture, it is becoming increasingly possible to facilitate green growth and bring Africa to the forefront of innovation, impact and agricultural sustainability with diligent management, digital technology, and real care and attention.