
What is Motion in Physics?

What is Motion? Motion is a process by why which objects change their position. This is a phenomenon that best describes the distance and speed as well as acceleration. There is energy involved in moving a body from one place to another also. Other important factor is Time. This branch of Physics will describe the objects movement is known as Kinematics and the forces which act on the body to create that motion is called as Dynamics. When the body in question is not changing its position then it is said to be in rest or immobile and there is a surrounding to it which is constant as well. There is no frame of reference and thus motion cannot be determined. When we talk of Motion everything in the universe is said to be in motion.

We can apply motion to objects, bodies and also particles thus creating movement of the said objects. There is also motion in terms of shapes and boundaries. This term motion thus spake of the changes happening to the body and thus we can site examples here for example – waves, and particles etc. We can talk of the motion of the wave in quantum particle sense where the configuration is the wave or particle creating probability of them occupying certain spaces.

When we talk of Motion we need to speak of Momentum and thus the body’s momentum is the way it increases the object’s mass and the velocity as well. The momentum of the object where the space is isolated (which means there are no forces acting from external side) will change with time and this is described by the law of conservation of momentum. Until a force acts on the body it will not change its place. To describe the motion we can use mechanics and it can include from projectiles and parts of machinery to other objects astronomical in nature. This is based purely on Newtons laws of motion. They were first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.

Law of Inertia: A body at rest will continuously be doing so until an external force acts on it.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

When a body will exert a force to another body (still body) then the second body will also exert a force back to the first body.

Particles with concept of MOTION:

We know that as per Thermodynamics the particles of all matter are in motion all the time as long as the temperature is above zero. Here the molecules and the atoms that are in the human body will move and collide and vibrate. This motion can be accessed by the temperature and thus we know the higher temperature will increase the kinetic energy and this happens in the humans and thu the humans have an increase in the body temperature. When the temperature lowers then the humans might touch the objects with lower energy and thus the senses will feel the transfer of the heat from the body.

Subatomic particles with the concept of MOTION:

We know that humans like all the things in the universe seem to be constantly in motion. There are some movements of the body parts of the humans and this is apart from the locomotive motion. There are many other moments pertaining to the humans that is not comprehensible and it is is difficult to perceive. There are many motions that needs special tools and observation to see and analyse those unite and distinctive movements. This is impossible for the laymen to understand and perceive this is because of two reasons- one is that the Newtons laws of motion will stop from being monitored for the motions that is exerted on the mass and this is thus connected to the observer. Next is the frame of reference which makes all individuals to see that they are constantly moving. The smaller the movement the more difficult it is to perceive it with the human eye.

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The Universe is one big space which is also constantly moving and this means the everything in the universe is stretching to an infinite time and power and there is lot of energy involved. The motion is not physical motion and there is however much change in the universe.

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