Fire retardants are chemicals (usually sprayed on a fabric) that will slow down or stop a fire from spreading. The idea is to slow the normal flammable process of combustion long enough for it to cool down so that it can be safely extinguished. Flame retardants are chemicals (dyes) added to fabrics to give them colour, they don’t necessarily provide any fire protection. They might help lower the temperature at which a fabric will start burning, but they don’t prevent the flame itself.
Fire or frame retardant is different from each other. The difference between fire retardant and flame retardant is very simple. The former is a substance that prevents the spread of fire and the latter one that prevents anything from burning.
Toxic gases are often released during a fire and these gases can cause health problems and death. Fire retardants work by slowing down the spread of these toxic fumes to help in saving lives and property.
Flammable liquids are often used to start a fire, but if a flame retardant liquid is applied to the flammable liquid, it will become non-flammable. This prevents accidental fires from occurring as well as helping to prevent the spread of a fire once it has been started.
Fire retardants are also used in clothing, furniture and building materials which help to protect against fires and help keep people safe in the event of one starting.
Fire retardant is a chemical that can be applied to many different materials, including wood, plastic, fabric and various combinations. The goal of adding fire retardants to these products is to make them less vulnerable to fire damage. When added to a material, fire retardants can significantly reduce the chances of flames spreading. It’s important for consumers to understand the difference between fire retardants and flame retardants in order to make informed purchasing choices.
If you’re an industrial designer, and you’re looking for a material that will help prevent fires in your product, it’s important to know what kind of fire protection you need. Are you trying to keep the product from catching on fire? Or are you trying to keep the materials inside or around it from combusting?
Trying to put out a fire with water is one of the most common mistakes people make. Water is great at extinguishing things that are on fire, but it can actually spread a fire if the flammable material is something like alcohol or gasoline. That’s because water spreads the risk of combustion.
This is why we sell flame retardant fabrics and plastics. They won’t catch on fire, but they will help extinguish a flame that gets too close.
If you need to contain an existing fire, then you should buy a fabric that is rated for this purpose. Often this means buying fabrics with materials such as stainless steel woven into them. Stainless steel melts at high temperatures, which makes it excellent for containing flames.